
I speak at industry, company, and team events about my work. Read on if you’re interested in past and future appearances — or, reach out if you’d like to discuss an opportunity.


  • UXPA Ft. Lauderdale

  • Samelogic podcast, guest appearance

Past Appearances

From most recent…

  • How Teams Hire Researchers and Data Scientists Today: Best Practices for Hiring Managers and Job Applicants
    June 2024, Quant UX Con 2024

  • Rally AMA: Lawton Pybus on how UXR teams hire today
    March 2024, Rally

  • Best practices for unmoderated think-alouds
    June 2023, UXPA Austin

  • How teams hire UX researchers: A survey of current trends & best practices
    June 2023, UXPA Austin

  • Design Leader Insights (podcast interview)
    June 2022, Fuego UX

  • Extra time, not extra effort: How durations impact online studies (poster)
    June 2022, UXPA San Diego

  • From HF to UX
    March 2022, Arizona State University (Human Systems Engineering)

  • Small steps towards a UX practice (panel participant)
    May 2021, Boulder Startup Week

  • Testing product and business ideas with UX research
    May 2021, Boulder Startup Week

  • 3 mistakes that hurt your user interviews
    May 2021, Avocademy